Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mad About Mangos! (Chicken Edition)

I'm pretty sure that combining sweet and spicy was the greatest invention ever.  Okay, so maybe Facebook would come before it, but that's about it.  My friend, Thea was actually the inspiration behind this dish.  See, she has a bit of an obsession with mangos.  It's totally cool though.  I mean, it's not like she has mango flavored toothpaste, or sleeps with a mango on the pillow next to her, or anything like that.  The woman just likes her mango! So, one Sunday afternoon, as I was doing my weekly grocery shopping, I decided to take advantage of mangos being 48 cents.  The wheels started turning in my head (yes, they occasionally do that) about what other types of flavors I could pair with mango.  I walked by the chili peppers section of the produce department, and I was instantly inspired.  POBLANO.  Yum, it is one of my absolute favorite peppers.  Naturally, I decided to pick up some chicken breast tenders and go from there.  This recipe is Thea and Mom approved; so, it must be good. :)


Ingredients (2 servings):

-6 chicken tenders or 2 medium-sized chicken breasts (defrosted)
-the juice of 1/2 a lemon
-1 navel orange
-1 t. garlic powder
-1 t. onion powder
-1/2 t. chili flakes
-1 t. paprika
-1 t. fresh parsley, chopped finely
-1 large mango, diced
-1 Poblano pepper, roasted (10 minutes at 350 degrees, turn once) and chopped
-3 T. olive oil
-salt and pepper to taste

Mix a marinade for the chicken by combining two tablespoons of the olive oil, garlic powder, onion powder, chili flakes, paprika, parsley, salt and pepper, and lemon juice together in a bowl.  Add in the chicken tenders.  Cover and refrigerate for half an hour. 

In a large fry pan, heat the remaining tablespoon of olive oil over medium-high heat.  Add in the chicken tenders.  Cook for five minutes on the first side, and turn the chicken over. Add in the mango and Poblano, and cook for another five minutes, stirring the mango and Poblano around frequently (both should break down and soften quite a bit).  Next, in order to get all of the "yummy" spices and juices up from the bottom of the pan, squeeze in the juice of an orange. Flip the chicken tenders one more time. When the juice has mostly evaporated, remove your pan from the heat and enjoy.

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